Scanning actors using our portable scanners is proving to be a great alternative to life casting for actors such as their heads & bodies, its less intrusive & can be done in a matter of minutes rather than hours. Actors simply don’t have the times to be sitting in messy plaster for hours so we take that all away by using our scanning process.
The detail of our scans are extremely accurate & are high resolution we can out put a scan @ 0.05mm & 0.1mm, which means all bumps & wrinkles are captured.
Our range of 3D printers can print many different parts from the busts of actors to props.

3D Systems Projet range of printers (CJP)
This printer prints in a sandstone powder material, once the model is infiltrated using a resin based coating inside & out, also baked in an oven for hours, it becomes solid, like actual sandstone. This printed model is now ready for a silicon mould which can then be taken from the head/bust cast, for prop moulds, casts for prosthetics, make-up & costume design. With a resolution of @100microns the finest of details are shown. This printer is ideal for doing big parts also.
Stratasys Objet printers
Our range of Objet printers using Polyjet technology produce a very fine polypropylene like plastic material, which has excellent surface detail & can be used for a wide variety of props for the film/TV industry.
Asiga – Dental / Jewellery 3D printer
Our SLA printer can print tiny parts down to the microns with no visible layer lines, we use this for printing veneers & all kinds of prostetic teeth, we can print in over 100 different types of plastics & can print in any Ral colour available, all materials are Bio Compatible & also go through
All 3D scans of the person for printing purposes can also be used in the VFX department.

Get in touch
Unit 2 Ashbourne Business Centre,
Ballybin Road,
County Meath
Tel: +353 1 849 9476

Email: info@3dspiderfx.com